Posts Tagged ‘Symphony’

The Colorado Springs Youth Symphony and memories of my sons

February 14, 2013

Today I attended a fundraiser for the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony (CSYS) and the Children’s Chorale. In one hour we were able to eat breakfast and listen to beautiful music presented by both groups. Gary Nicholson, my best friend’s husband, started the symphony over 25 years ago and continues to conduct the top orchestra. It was wonderful to listen to the beautiful music. At our table sat someone I had not seen since my sons were in elementary school – the father of children who knew Adam and Seth. He gave me a hug and told me what his children were doing now. Our talk made me think about what Adam (who would now be 30) and Seth (who would now be 28) would be up to. Playing tennis? Small business owners? Teachers? Doctors? Lawyers? Married? Not married? Parents? 

It was nice thinking about them as grown ups even though it also makes me sad. I wish I could call them and wish them a “Happy Valentine’s Day.” I hope, wherever you are reading this, you are spending some time with someone special today. Greg, my fiancé and I are going to walk the dogs and wear red. 

